Online Training on Inclusive Work with LGBTIQ+ Refugees
a cartoon-like image of a person wearing a blue shirt next to their computer. There is a big computer screen in the middle of the image with text: Inclusive practices of working with LGBTIQ refugees'. There is a green plant in a blue pot in the bottom right corner. The FDPN logo representing a blue finger print surrounded by the rainbow is located in the top right corner. Logo represent The central blue object in the middle of the logo is a representation of clear bright sky and the lines on it are the visual interpretation of a fingerprint. This introduces the idea of human behind every story of displacement. The symbolism of blue color gives hope of a better and safer future. The lines on the blue object can also be read as topographic contours or a map representing the diversity of backgrounds we are coming from. 🌈 The sky is then covered by a rainbow which represents protection and a community. The rainbow is also a symbol for LGBTIQ+ communities. Yet in some parts the rainbow lines are not connected signifying the gaps that need to be addressed in countries of asylum.


Forcibly Displaced People Network Ltd (FDPN) is the national voice of LGBTIQ+ people in forced displacement in Australia. FDPN originated from the work of early career academics and activists Renee Dixson and Tina Dixson. In November 2019 they convened a Queer Displacements conference [1][2]the first conference in Australia to address issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displasment. After the conference FDPN was co-founded by Dixsons promotes human rights and inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people who’ve been forcibly displaced through peer support, strengthening services and policy responses.PROJECT AIMS

Online training module on inclusive practice for Australian services seeing LGBTIQA+ refugees and people seeking asylum is a one year project funded by Pride Foundation. The project is delivered by a consortium of Forcibly Displaced People Network,  Meridian (ACT), BridgeMeals (VIC) and the Centre for Digital Humanities Research (CDHR) at the Australian National University.

The gap in inclusive service provision for LGBTIQ+ people who have experienced forced displacement has been long identified by the work of Tina and Renee Dixson [3][4] and reaffirmed at the 2019 Queer Displacements conference. This project aims to create an online learning platform for organisations that a) working with asylum-seeking, migrant, refugee and international student populations as well as b) LGBTIQ+ organisations and services working with people living with HIV.PROJECT PRINCIPLES SUMMARY

Project Team

Renee Dixson, Deputy Chair of FDPN, PhD student at ANU

Dr Katrina Grant, Australian National University  

Tina Dixson, Chair of FDPN, PhD student at ANU

Joshua Anlezark, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Meridian

Bridge Meals coordinator and LGBTIQ+refugee advisory group

To ensure the co-design [5] an LGBTIQ+ refugee advisory group will be engaged. This is a co-funded activity by the FDPN. FDPN will provide additional funding to reimburse their time as well as oversee the work of the group. The group will be engaged at all stages of the project implementation.

  1. Queer Displasment Report (accessed on the 28th, 2020)
  2. This is what it’s like to be an LGBTIQ+ asylum seeker in Australia  (accessed on the 28th, 2020)
  3. Activism and advocacy for LGBTIQA+ refugee and asylum seekers (accessed on the 28th, 2020)
  4. Egyptian activist’s death puts spotlight on plight of queer refugees (accessed on the 28th, 2020)
  5. Canberra Statement (accessed on the 28th, 2020)
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